Glad you made it this far, stay a while

.... 5th inning, you're two runs behind. What pitch do you throw to a left-handed batter who is a spray hitter with runners on first and third? What is offsides in soccer, anyway?

.... you're off on the wings, just offstage, and hear your cue. A lump forms in your throat. It's your first opera workshop.

.... a blank page is staring you down before a first, fledgling poem takes shape.

I hope this blogger site gets you in the mood to go for it on the field, on the stage, in published form, in real life.

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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Flying to South Dakota, April 2000

Flying to Dad’s Funeral

The unpleasant premonition
 that we’ve walked this earth with less gusto
 and a hollow ring to our sloughing steps.
Myself knelt down to survey
 the treeless moldings
 of snow-blasted, snow-softened
 Greenland – or was it Prince Rupert Island?
My first Leif Erikson view
 out above the clouds
which offer their blanket
 to stark masses of untamed land.

A certain pang struck me
 as rills of sub-zero groundswells
 arched in fish-fin precision
 over and against unsmuch’t whiteness
                                           of inviting purity.

My gaze sought out a sign of spring -
 a lifeline to thaw the taut expanse
 to relax frozen kinks
 of steel-gray shoulders.

I cast out for a lone ambling deer,
 a sliver of melt streaking the face
 of cold December
 with April’s fledgling warmth.