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.... 5th inning, you're two runs behind. What pitch do you throw to a left-handed batter who is a spray hitter with runners on first and third? What is offsides in soccer, anyway?

.... you're off on the wings, just offstage, and hear your cue. A lump forms in your throat. It's your first opera workshop.

.... a blank page is staring you down before a first, fledgling poem takes shape.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Neo Rauch's "The Flame"

Die Flamme. By Neo Rauch.

An emblem or simply thought-provoking with no resolution? Consider this: The liquid or molten appearance of the trailing foot, though far from the distant refinery flare, perhaps in Leuna, strikes me as having some meaning. (Not.) The severely hobbled artist is frozen in mid-stride by two wooden planks [gleichsam/as it were] trussing him, disturbingly so, as though a mirage, that one foot seems to liquefy before your eye. The fluid mind has to finish imagining the self-portrayed artist continuing to pace, with each step of course causing the wooden X to smack him in the head. A freeze-frame shot of letting the lower part of your body do its thing, even if the mind will suffer. (bonk, bonk). There is much to ponder in works bearing the unmistakeable signature of Leipzig artist Neo Rauch (born in 1960). This post encourages all to go or see his art.

Here is another review with a snapshot.