Given the calamity occurring in the Gulf of Mexico, it is striking how the entire group of upstream mineral oil producing companies have not created a pool of funds to unleash an unprecedented effort to contain and alleviate the damage. OPEC should not stand by, but send 5 representatives to stand with President Obama and the governors and commit to a clean-up.
In addition they ought to finance a people-controlled/grassroots-represented containment and de-escalation team with full spending power matching 1 percent of the affected coastal region's budget and a local draft of volunteers and this amount matched by double this amount from Big Oil - the teams to be staffed, 50 percent by oil company managers who are answerable to the other 50 percent who are non-oil-company representatives from affected local communities.
Shifts could be handled like on the North Slope. 2 weeks on - 2 weeks off, with one day set aside for briefing/debriefing between team shifts.
Glad you made it this far, stay a while
.... 5th inning, you're two runs behind. What pitch do you throw to a left-handed batter who is a spray hitter with runners on first and third? What is offsides in soccer, anyway?
.... you're off on the wings, just offstage, and hear your cue. A lump forms in your throat. It's your first opera workshop.
.... a blank page is staring you down before a first, fledgling poem takes shape.
I hope this blogger site gets you in the mood to go for it on the field, on the stage, in published form, in real life.
.... you're off on the wings, just offstage, and hear your cue. A lump forms in your throat. It's your first opera workshop.
.... a blank page is staring you down before a first, fledgling poem takes shape.
I hope this blogger site gets you in the mood to go for it on the field, on the stage, in published form, in real life.