Glad you made it this far, stay a while

.... 5th inning, you're two runs behind. What pitch do you throw to a left-handed batter who is a spray hitter with runners on first and third? What is offsides in soccer, anyway?

.... you're off on the wings, just offstage, and hear your cue. A lump forms in your throat. It's your first opera workshop.

.... a blank page is staring you down before a first, fledgling poem takes shape.

I hope this blogger site gets you in the mood to go for it on the field, on the stage, in published form, in real life.

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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Nice quote

Titus Engel leads Freischütz production at Kampnagel in Hamburg - November/December 2004

Wie ein Torwart, der sein Tor verlässt, stampfte Engel bei den Jägerchören über den Rasen und stachelte die bierernst schmetternden Herren des Männerchores an. Seines Jacketts entledigt, mit Hosenträgern und langen Haaren, stahl er seinen Schauspielkollegen mitunter die Show.
Like a goalie who leaves his goal, Titus Engel strode across the lawn for the hunters' choruses, exhorting even more heroic tones from the exuberantly singing glee club members. Free of his tails, with suspenders showing and long flowing hair, at times he managed to steal the show from his dramatic counterparts.